Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Data Mining - Retrieving Information From Data

Data Mining - Retrieving Information From Data

Data mining definition is the process of retrieving information from data. It has become very important now days because data that is processed is usually kept for future reference and mainly for security purposes in a company. Data transforms is processed into information and it is mostly used in different ways depending on what information one is extracting and from where the person is extracting the information.

It is commonly used in marketing, scientific information and research work, fraud detection and surveillance and many more and most of this work is done using a computer. This definition can come in different terms data snooping, data fishing and data dredging all this refer to data mining but it depends in which department one is. One must know data mining definition so that he can be in a position to make data.

The method of data mining has been there for so many centuries and it is used up to date. There were early methods which were used to identify data mining there are mainly two: regression analysis and bayes theorem. These methods are never used now days because a lot of people have advanced and technology has really changed the entire system.

With the coming up or with the introduction of computers and technology, it becomes very fast and easy to save information. Computers have made work easier and one can be able to expand more knowledge about data crawling and learn on how data is stored and processed through computer science.

Computer science is a course that sharpens one skill and expands more about data crawling and the definition of what data mining means. By studying computer science one can be in a position to know: clustering, support vector machines and decision trees there are some of the units that are found on computer science.

It's all about all this and this knowledge must be applied here. Government institutions, small scale business and supermarkets use data.

The main reason most companies use data mining is because data assist in the collection of information and observations that a company goes through in their daily activity. Such information is very vital in any companies profile and needs to be checked and updated for future reference just in case something happens.

Businesses which use data crawling focus mainly on return of investments, and they are able to know whether they are making a profit or a loss within a very short period. If the company or the business is making a profit they can be in a position to give customers an offer on the product in which they are selling so that the business can be a position to make more profit in an organization, this is very vital in human resource departments it helps in identifying the character traits of a person in terms of job performance.

Most people who use this method believe that is ethically neutral. The way it is being used nowadays raises a lot of questions about security and privacy of its members. Data mining needs good data preparation which can be in a position to uncover different types of information especially those that require privacy.

A very common way in this occurs is through data aggregation.

Data aggregation is when information is retrieved from different sources and is usually put together so that one can be in a position to be analyze one by one and this helps information to be very secure. So if one is collecting data it is vital for one to know the following:

    How will one use the data that he is collecting?
    Who will mine the data and use the data.
    Is the data very secure when am out can someone come and access it.
    How can one update the data when information is needed
    If the computer crashes do I have any backup somewhere.

It is important for one to be very careful with documents which deal with company's personal information so that information cannot easily be manipulated.

source : http://ezinearticles.com/?Data-Mining---Retrieving-Information-From-Data&id=5054887

Friday, 16 December 2016

One of the Main Differences Between Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

One of the Main Differences Between Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

Two methods of analyzing data that are common in both academic and commercial fields are statistical analysis and data mining. While statistical analysis has a long scientific history, data mining is a more recent method of data analysis that has arisen from Computer Science. In this article I want to give an introduction to these methods and outline what I believe is one of the main differences between the two fields of analysis.

Statistical analysis commonly involves an analyst formulating a hypothesis and then testing the validity of this hypothesis by running statistical tests on data that may have been collected for the purpose. For example, if an analyst was studying the relationship between income level and the ability to get a loan, the analyst may hypothesis that there will be a correlation between income level and the amount of credit someone may qualify for.

The analyst could then test this hypothesis with the use of a data set that contains a number of people along with their income levels and the credit available to them. A test could be run that indicates for example that there may be a high degree of confidence that there is indeed a correlation between income and available credit. The main point here is that the analyst has formulated a hypothesis and then used a statistical test along with a data set to provide evidence in support or against that hypothesis.

Data mining is another area of data analysis that has arisen more recently from computer science that has a number of differences to traditional statistical analysis. Firstly, many data mining techniques are designed to be applied to very large data sets, while statistical analysis techniques are often designed to form evidence in support or against a hypothesis from a more limited set of data.

Probably the mist significant difference here, however, is that data mining techniques are not used so much to form confidence in a hypothesis, but rather extract unknown relationships may be present in the data set. This is probably best illustrated with an example. Rather than in the above case where a statistician may form a hypothesis between income levels and an applicants ability to get a loan, in data mining, there is not typically an initial hypothesis. A data mining analyst may have a large data set on loans that have been given to people along with demographic information of these people such as their income level, their age, any existing debts they have and if they have ever defaulted on a loan before.

A data mining technique may then search through this large data set and extract a previously unknown relationship between income levels, peoples existing debt and their ability to get a loan.

While there are quite a few differences between statistical analysis and data mining, I believe this difference is at the heart of the issue. A lot of statistical analysis is about analyzing data to either form confidence for or against a stated hypothesis while data mining is often more about applying an algorithm to a data set to extract previously unforeseen relationships.


Monday, 12 December 2016

Web Data Extraction Services

Web Data Extraction Services

Web Data Extraction from Dynamic Pages includes some of the services that may be acquired through outsourcing. It is possible to siphon information from proven websites through the use of Data Scrapping software. The information is applicable in many areas in business. It is possible to get such solutions as data collection, screen scrapping, email extractor and Web Data Mining services among others from companies providing websites such as Scrappingexpert.com.

Data mining is common as far as outsourcing business is concerned. Many companies are outsource data mining services and companies dealing with these services can earn a lot of money, especially in the growing business regarding outsourcing and general internet business. With web data extraction, you will pull data in a structured organized format. The source of the information will even be from an unstructured or semi-structured source.

In addition, it is possible to pull data which has originally been presented in a variety of formats including PDF, HTML, and test among others. The web data extraction service therefore, provides a diversity regarding the source of information. Large scale organizations have used data extraction services where they get large amounts of data on a daily basis. It is possible for you to get high accuracy of information in an efficient manner and it is also affordable.

Web data extraction services are important when it comes to collection of data and web-based information on the internet. Data collection services are very important as far as consumer research is concerned. Research is turning out to be a very vital thing among companies today. There is need for companies to adopt various strategies that will lead to fast means of data extraction, efficient extraction of data, as well as use of organized formats and flexibility.

In addition, people will prefer software that provides flexibility as far as application is concerned. In addition, there is software that can be customized according to the needs of customers, and these will play an important role in fulfilling diverse customer needs. Companies selling the particular software therefore, need to provide such features that provide excellent customer experience.

It is possible for companies to extract emails and other communications from certain sources as far as they are valid email messages. This will be done without incurring any duplicates. You will extract emails and messages from a variety of formats for the web pages, including HTML files, text files and other formats. It is possible to carry these services in a fast reliable and in an optimal output and hence, the software providing such capability is in high demand. It can help businesses and companies quickly search contacts for the people to be sent email messages.

It is also possible to use software to sort large amount of data and extract information, in an activity termed as data mining. This way, the company will realize reduced costs and saving of time and increasing return on investment. In this practice, the company will carry out Meta data extraction, scanning data, and others as well.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Web-Data-Extraction-Services&id=4733722

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Data Mining vs Screen-Scraping

Data Mining vs Screen-Scraping

Data mining isn't screen-scraping. I know that some people in the room may disagree with that statement, but they're actually two almost completely different concepts.

In a nutshell, you might state it this way: screen-scraping allows you to get information, where data mining allows you to analyze information. That's a pretty big simplification, so I'll elaborate a bit.

The term "screen-scraping" comes from the old mainframe terminal days where people worked on computers with green and black screens containing only text. Screen-scraping was used to extract characters from the screens so that they could be analyzed. Fast-forwarding to the web world of today, screen-scraping now most commonly refers to extracting information from web sites. That is, computer programs can "crawl" or "spider" through web sites, pulling out data. People often do this to build things like comparison shopping engines, archive web pages, or simply download text to a spreadsheet so that it can be filtered and analyzed.

Data mining, on the other hand, is defined by Wikipedia as the "practice of automatically searching large stores of data for patterns." In other words, you already have the data, and you're now analyzing it to learn useful things about it. Data mining often involves lots of complex algorithms based on statistical methods. It has nothing to do with how you got the data in the first place. In data mining you only care about analyzing what's already there.

The difficulty is that people who don't know the term "screen-scraping" will try Googling for anything that resembles it. We include a number of these terms on our web site to help such folks; for example, we created pages entitled Text Data Mining, Automated Data Collection, Web Site Data Extraction, and even Web Site Ripper (I suppose "scraping" is sort of like "ripping"). So it presents a bit of a problem-we don't necessarily want to perpetuate a misconception (i.e., screen-scraping = data mining), but we also have to use terminology that people will actually use.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Data-Mining-vs-Screen-Scraping&id=146813

Friday, 2 December 2016

An Easy Way For Data Extraction

An Easy Way For Data Extraction

There are so many data scraping tools are available in internet. With these tools you can you download large amount of data without any stress. From the past decade, the internet revolution has made the entire world as an information center. You can obtain any type of information from the internet. However, if you want any particular information on one task, you need search more websites. If you are interested in download all the information from the websites, you need to copy the information and pate in your documents. It seems a little bit hectic work for everyone. With these scraping tools, you can save your time, money and it reduces manual work.

The Web data extraction tool will extract the data from the HTML pages of the different websites and compares the data. Every day, there are so many websites are hosting in internet. It is not possible to see all the websites in a single day. With these data mining tool, you are able to view all the web pages in internet. If you are using a wide range of applications, these scraping tools are very much useful to you.

The data extraction software tool is used to compare the structured data in internet. There are so many search engines in internet will help you to find a website on a particular issue. The data in different sites is appears in different styles. This scraping expert will help you to compare the date in different site and structures the data for records.

And the web crawler software tool is used to index the web pages in the internet; it will move the data from internet to your hard disk. With this work, you can browse the internet much faster when connected. And the important use of this tool is if you are trying to download the data from internet in off peak hours. It will take a lot of time to download. However, with this tool you can download any data from internet at fast rate.There is another tool for business person is called email extractor. With this toll, you can easily target the customers email addresses. You can send advertisement for your product to the targeted customers at any time. This the best tool to find the database of the customers.

However, there are some more scraping tolls are available in internet. And also some of esteemed websites are providing the information about these tools. You download these tools by paying a nominal amount.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?An-Easy-Way-For-Data-Extraction&id=3517104

Friday, 18 November 2016

How Xpath Plays Vital Role In Web Scraping

How Xpath Plays Vital Role In Web Scraping

XPath is a language for finding information in structured documents like XML or HTML. You can say that XPath is (sort of) SQL for XML or HTML files. XPath is used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML or HTML document.

To understand XPath we must be clear about elements and nodes which are the building blocks of XML and HTML. Let’s talk about them. Here is an example element in an HTML document:

   <a class=”hyperlink” href=http://www.google.com>google</a>

Copy the above text to a file, name it as sample.html and open it in a browser. This will end up as a text link displaying the words “google” and it will take you to www.google.com. For each element there are three main parts: The type, the attributes, andthe text. They are listed below:

 a                                 Type
class,  href                Attributes
google                       Text

Let’s grab some XPath developer tools. I am on Firebug for Firefox or you can use Chrome’s developer tools. We will now form some XPath expressions to extract data from the above element. We will also verify the XPath by using Firebug Console.

For extracting the text “google”:


For extracting the hyperlink i.e. ”www.google.com” :


That’s all with a single element but in reality, you need to deal with more complex forms.

Let’s proceed to the idea of nodes, and its familial relationship of HTML elements. Look at this example code:

 <div title=”Section1″>

   <table id=”Search”>

       <tr class=”Yahoo”>Yahoo Search</tr>

       <tr class=”Google”>Google Search</tr>



 Notice the </div> at the bottom? That means the table and tr elements are contained within the div. These other elements are considered descendants of the div. The table is a child, and the tr is a grandchild (and so on and so forth). The two tr elements are considered siblings each other. This is vital, as XPath uses these relationships to find your element.

So suppose you want to find the Google item. Any of the following expressions will work:


So let’s analyze the expressions. We start at the top element (also known as a node). The // means to search all descendants, / means to just look at the current element’s children. So //div means look through all descendants for a div element. The brackets [] specify something about that element. So we can look for an attribute with the @ symbol, or look for text with the text() function. We can chain as many of these together as we can.

Here is a quick reference:

   //             Search all descendant elements
   /              Search all child elements
   []             The predicate (specifies something about the element you are looking for)
   @           Specifies an element attribute. (For example, @title)
   .               Specifies the current node (useful when you want to look for an element’s children in the predicate)
   ..              Specifies the parent node
  text()       Gets the text of the element.
In the context of web scraping, XPath is a nice tool to have in your belt, as it allows you to write specifications of document locations more flexibly than CSS selectors.

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Source: http://blog.datahut.co/how-xpath-plays-vital-role-in-web-scraping/

Friday, 28 October 2016

Tapping The Mining Services Goldmine

Tapping The Mining Services Goldmine

In Australia, resources booms tend to come and go. In a recent speech, Reserve Bank Deputy Governor Ric Battellino identified five major booms over the last two hundred years - from the gold rush of the 1850s, to our current minerals and energy boom.

Many have argued that the current boom is different from anything we've experienced before, with the modernisation of the Chinese and Indian economies likely to keep demand high for decades. That's led some analysts to talk of a resources supercycle. And yet a supercycle is still a cycle.

By definition, cycles are uneven, with commodity prices ebbing and flowing in response to demand, economic conditions and market sentiment. And the share prices of resources companies tend to move with them.

Which raises the question: what's the best way for investors to tap into the potential of the mining boom, without the heart-stopping volatility that mining stocks sometimes deliver?
Invest in the store that sells the spade

Legend has it that the people who really profited from Australia's gold rush weren't the miners who flocked to the fields, but the store-owners who sold them their spades and pans. You can put the same principle to work today by investing in mining services and engineering companies.

Here are five reasons to consider giving mining services companies a place in your portfolio:

1. Growing demand

In November, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics reported that mining and energy companies plan to invest a record $132.9bn in new projects, a 58% increase from the previous year. That includes 72 projects at an advanced stage of development, such as the $43bn Gorgon LNG project and the $20bn Olympic dam expansion. The mining services sector is poised to benefit from all of them.

The sector also stands to benefit from Australia's worsening skills shortage, with more companies looking to contractors to provide essential services in remote locations.

2. Less volatility

Resource stocks tend to fluctuate with commodity prices, which are subject to international economic forces and market sentiment beyond the control of any individual company. As a result, they are among the most volatile companies on the Australian sharemarket. But mining services stocks, while still exposed to the commodities cycle, tend to be more stable.

3. More predictable cash flow

One reason for the comparative volatility of commodity companies is that their cash flow can be very variable. In the development phase, they need to make significant capital expenditure, often leading to negative cash flows. And while they enjoy healthy revenues in the production phase, that revenue may diminish as a resource is exhausted, unless they make further investments in exploration and development.
In contrast, mining services companies require comparatively little capital investment, with more predictable cash flows over the long-term.

4. Higher dividends

Predictable cash flows and lower capital expenditures often allow services companies to pay out more of their earnings as dividends, making them more appealing for income-oriented investors.

5. No need to pick winners

Many miners are highly leveraged to demand for a single commodity, whether it's gold, coal, copper or iron ore. Some are reliant on a single mine or field. Whereas services companies generally have a more diversified customer base.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Tapping-The-Mining-Services-Goldmine&id=5924837

Sunday, 16 October 2016

How Web Scraping Affects your Revenue Growth

How Web Scraping Affects your Revenue Growth

Web scraping is an indispensable resource when it comes to gaining an edge in the competition with the help of business intelligence. As more and more data gets created on the world wide web, the complexity of extracting it intensifies. Web scraping is a technology that demands an extensive tech stack, high end resources and technically skilled labour. Given this resource hungry nature, many businesses prefer outsourcing it to doing the scraping in-house. Here is a brief walk-through of web scraping so that you can get a grip on the whole process and understand how it could affect your revenue growth as a business.

Business intelligence

The competition among online businesses is at its peak. This has more to do with the ready availability of insightful data. When data acquisition at this scale wasn’t possible in the past, businesses made hit-or-miss decisions upon instincts. Now that every activity can be recorded, extracted as data and analysed to arrive at the best business decisions, companies are making the most of it to boost their revenue. This includes monitoring the activity of competitors on social media, price intelligence, sentiment analysis, gathering data for market research and much more. The use cases of web scraping in business is almost infinite. Business intelligence is extremely helpful for the survival of companies in a market that fluctuates often. Implementing a business intelligence strategy powered by web scraping can definitely give a boost to your revenue growth.
Cost centres involved in in-house Web Scraping

Web scraping, despite being a robust solution for extracting data from the web, is not going to be an easy path if your company is not technically rich already. It involves setting up resources like a tech stack and servers that can run the web crawler by a technically skilled team. Following are the primary cost centres involved in the web scraping process.

1. High end servers

Web scraping is a resource intensive process. Considering the importance of uptime here, the crawlers cannot be run on average performance machines. To have the optimum uptime and avoid crashes, the crawler has to be run on high performing servers located in different parts of the world. The quality of servers is crucial to the consistency of the process. Not to mention, these high end servers makeup for a significant amount of the cost involved in web scraping.

2. Technically skilled labour

Scanning through the source code to identify appropriate tags that hold the required data points and creating a program that can automatically fetch these data points from similar pages’ at large scale requires deep programming skills. It goes without saying that employing skilled people would incur cost that could take a hit on your revenue. Ideally, you will need a team of at least 10 to run a web scraping setup in-house.       

3. An extensive tech stack

Although most of the software being used for web scraping are open source, you will find yourself investing in paid software to make certain things easier or faster. Dealing with open source software might not be as user friendly as the paid ones. In any case, having a tech stack with a lot of options is a necessary aspect of web scraping that would incur additional cost.   

4. Maintenance

Building and running the web scraping setup is only half of the story. Since websites undergo changes often, there is a possibility of the crawler setup breaking from time to time. To avoid or solve this at the earliest, a monitoring system that involves both machines and humans is necessary. Monitoring and maintenance contribute to a considerable cost in the web scraping process.
Data as a service

If data for business is your requirement, a better way to acquire it would be to depend on a company that can deliver it via the data as a service route. Web scraping companies have already set up high-end resources required to run the web crawlers that you can utilize to avail web scraping at a much lower cost than what you would incur by doing it on your own. With this, you can also save yourself from the complications and maintenance headache associated with web scraping. Moreover, with a web scraping service, you can enjoy a much higher return on investment owing to the lowered cost of data acquisition. You can use our ROI calculator to compare between the cost of going with an in-house web scraping setup and a hosted solution.

Source: https://www.promptcloud.com/blog/web-scraping-affects-revenue-growth

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

How to use Web Content Extractor(WCE) as Email Scraper?

How to use Web Content Extractor(WCE) as Email Scraper?

Web Content Extractor is a great web scraping software developed by Newprosoft Team. The software has easy to use project wizard to create a scraping configuration and scrape data from websites.

One day I came to see the Visual Email Extractor which is also product of Newprosoft and similar to Web Content Extractor but it’s primary use is to scrape email addresses by crawling websites you feed to the scraper. I had noticed that with the little modification in Web Content Extractor project configuration you can use it same as Visual Email Extractor to extract email addresses.

In this post I will show you what configuration makes the Web Content Extractor to extract email addresses. I still recommend Visual Email Extractor as it has lot more features then extracting email using WCE.

Here are the configuration that makes WCE to Extract Emails.

Step 1 : Open Web Content Extractor and Create New Project and Click on Next.

Step 2:  Under Crawling Rules -> Advanced Rules Tab do the following settings

Crawling Level 1 Settings

Follow Links if link text equals:
*contact*; *feedback*; *support*; *about*

for 'Follow Links if link text equals' text box enter following values:
contact; feedback; support; about

for 'Do not Follow links if URL contains' text box enter following values:

google.; yahoo.; bing; msn.; altavista.; myspace.com; youtube.com; googleusercontent.com; =http; .jpg; .gif; .png; .bmp; .exe; .zip; .pdf;

Set 'Maximum Crawling Deapth' to 2

set 'Crawling Order' to Deapth First Crawling

Tick mark below below check boxes:

->Follow all internal links

  Crawling Level 2  Settings

set 'Follow links if link text equals' to below value

*contact*; *feedback*; *support*; *about*

set 'Follow links if url contains' text box to below value

contact; feedback; support; about

set 'DO NOT follow links if url contains' text box to below value


Step 3 After doing above settings now click on Next  -> in Extraction Pattern window -> Click on Define ->  in Web Page Address (URL) give any URL where email is given.  and click on  + sign right of Date Fields to define scraping pattern.

Now inside HTML Structure selects HTML check box or Body check box which means for each page it will take whole page content to parse data.

Now last settings to extract emails from page using regular expression based email extraction function.  Open Predefined Script window and select ‘Extract_Email_Addresses‘ and click on OK. and if you have used page that contains email then in Script Result’ you will be able to see the harvested email.

Hope this will help you to use your Web Content Extractor as a Email Scraper.. Share your view in comment.

Source: http://webdata-scraping.com/use-web-content-extractor-as-email-scraper/

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Things to take care while doing Web Scraping!!!

Things to take care while doing Web Scraping!!!

In the present day and age, web scraping word becomes most popular in data science. Basically web scraping is extracting the information from the websites using pre-written programs and web scraping scripts. Many organizations have successfully used web site scraping to build relevant and useful database that they use on a daily basis to enhance their business interests. This is the age of the Big Data and web scraping is one of the trending techniques in the data science.

Throughout my journey of learning web scraping and implementing many successful scraping projects, I have come across some great experiences we can learn from.  In this post, I’m going to discuss some of the approaches to take and approaches to avoid while executing web scraping.

User Proxies: Anonymously scraping data from websites

One should not scrape website with a single IP Address. Because when you repeatedly request the web page for web scraping, there is a chance that the remote web server might block your IP address preventing further request to the web page. To overcome this situation, one should scrape websites with the help of proxy servers (anonymous scraping). This will minimize the risk of getting trapped and blacklisted by a website. Use of Proxies to hide your identity (network details) to remote web servers while scraping data. You may also use a VPN instead of proxies to anonymously scrape websites.

Take maximum data and store it.

Do not follow “process the web page as it comes from the remote server”. Instead take all the information and store it to disk. This approach will be useful when your scraping algorithm breaks in the middle. In this case you don’t have to start scraping again. Never download the same content more than once as you are just wasting bandwidth. Try and download all content to disk in one go and then do the processing.

Follow strict rules in parsing:

Check various rules while parsing the information from the web site. For example if you expect a value to be a date then check that it’s really a date. This may greatly improve the quality of information. When you get unexpected data, then the algorithm need to be changed accordingly.

Respect Robots.txt

Robots.txt specifies the set of rules that should be followed by web crawlers and robots. I strongly advise you to consider and adjust your crawler to fully respect robots.txt. Robots.txt contains instructions on the exact pages that you are allowed to crawl, user-agent, and the requisite intervals between page requests. Following to these instructions minimizes the chance of getting blacklisted and banned from website owner.

Use XPath Smartly

XPath is a nice option to select elements of the HTML document more flexibly than CSS Selectors.  Be careful about HTML structure change through page to page so one xpath you made may be failed to extract data on another page due to changes in HTML structure.

Obey Website TOC:

Some websites make it absolutely apparent in their terms and conditions that they are particularly against to web scraping activities on their content. This can make you vulnerable against possible ethical and legal implications.

Test sample scrape and verify the data with actual scrape

Once you are done with web scraping project set up, you need to test it for sometimes. Check the extracted data. If something is not good, find out the cause and make changes accordingly and finally come to a perfect web scraping project.

Source: http://webdata-scraping.com/things-take-care-web-scraping/

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Calculate your ROI on Web Scraping using our ROI Calculator

Calculate your ROI on Web Scraping using our ROI Calculator

Staying atop the competition is a vital thing for the survival and growth of businesses these days. Ever since big data came into the picture, web scraping has become something businesses from every industry has to invest in. If your company is not in a technically advanced industry, web scraping could even be a nightmare to start with. Wondering if going with in-house web scraping is right for you? In house or outsourcing, in the end it’s all about the returns on investment.

ROI Calculator

Considering the numerous factors that determine how much web scraping can cost you, it’s not easy to calculate the ROI on your in-house web scraping.

In house web scraping is certainly a challenging process. If you plan on going down this way, here is a brief list of prerequisites.


Technically skilled labour is an essential requirement for web scraping. Since, web scraping techniques are complicated, it needs good programming skills to write, run and maintain the scraping bots. The cost of labour can be one of the drawbacks with doing in house web scraping.

Hardware Resources

Web scraping is a resource hungry process which requires high end servers and lots of bandwidth. Without the adequate resources, you might end up losing important data. The cost of quality servers could easily make you want to reconsider doing web scraping on your own. Not to mention the doubling up of these resources in order to keep the data intact, espcially if you’re looking at large scale.

Maintainability and ukeep of your tech stack

Once you have your servers and other technical components setup, the real deal only starts. You have to ensure availability of your servers, data backups, restoring previous states, failovers, among many other complications associated with managing servers and fixing them up when something goes wrong. You need to allocate resources (both people and hardware) to take care of the above.


Time is something that we cannot really include in the equation when it comes to calculating the returns. But it is definitely a factor that defines if web scraping in house is worth it. Although web scraping is the fastest way to acquire data, the initial setup and maintenance are time consuming and complicated. This could easily lead to conflicts when you have to distribute your time between web scraping and other business activities that are crucial for your company.

Try the ROI Calculator

We came up with an ROI calculator to easily calculate your returns on investment with our web scraping services. Using this, you could easily compare the cost of in house web scraping with PromptCloud’s dedicated web scraping services. Find out how much you can save by going the PromptCloud way.

Source: https://www.promptcloud.com/blog/calculate-roi-on-web-scraping

Monday, 29 August 2016

How to use Social Media Scraping to be your Competitors’ Nightmare

How to use Social Media Scraping to be your Competitors’ Nightmare

Big data and competitive intelligence have been in the limelight for quite some time now. The almost magical power of big data to help a company make just the right decisions have been talked about a lot. When it comes to big data, the kind of benefits that a business can get totally depends upon the sources they acquire it from. Social media is one of the best sources from where you can get data that helps your business in a multitude of ways. Now that every business is deep rooted on the internet, social media data becomes all the more relevant and crucial. Here is how you can use data scraped from social media sites to get an edge in the competition.

Keeping watch on your competitors

Social media is the best place to watch your competitors’ activity and take counter initiatives to keep up or take over them. If you want to know what your competitors are up to, a social media scraping setup for scraping the posts that mention your competitors’ brand/product names can do the trick. This can also be used to learn a thing or two from their activities on social media so that you can take respective measures to stay ahead of them. For example, you could know if your competitor is running a special promotional offer at the moment and come up with something better than theirs to keep up. This can do wonders if you are in a highly competitive industry like Ecommerce where the competition is intense. If you are not using some help from web scraping technology to keep a close watch on your competitors, you could easily get left over in this fast-paced business scene.

Solving customer issues at the earliest

Customers are vocal about their experience with different products and services on social media sites these days. If you have a customer whose issue was left unsolved, there is a good chance that he/she will take it to the social media to vent the frustration. Watching out for such instances and giving them prompt support should be something you should do if you want to retain these customers and stop them from ruining your brand’s image. By scraping social media sites for posts that mention your product/service, you can easily find out if there are such grievances from customers. This can make sure to an extent that you don’t let unhappy customers stay that way, which eventually hurts your business in the long run. Customers can make or break your company, so using social media scraping to serve the customers better can help you succeed eventually.

Sentiment analysis

Social media data can play a good job at helping you understand user sentiments. With the help of social media scraping, a business can get the big picture about general perception of their brand by their users. This can go a long way since this level of feedback can help you fix unnoticed issues with your company and service quickly. By rectifying them, you can make your brand more appealing to the customers. Sentiment analysis will provide you with the opportunity to transform your business into how customers want it to be. Social media scraping is the one and only way to have access to this user sentiment data which can help you optimize your business for the customers.

Web crawling for social media data

When social media data possess so much value to businesses, it makes sense to look for efficient ways to gather and use this data. Manually scrolling through millions of tweets doesn’t make sense, this is why you should use social media scraping to aggregate the relevant data for your business. Besides, web scraping technologies make it possible to handle huge amounts of data with ease. Since the size of data is huge when it comes to business related requirements, web scraping is the only scalable solution worth considering. To make things even simpler, there are reliable web scraping solutions that offer social media scraping services for brand monitoring.

Bottom line

Since social media has become an integral part of online businesses, the data available on these sites possess immense value to companies in every industry. Social media scraping can be used for brand monitoring and gaining competitive intelligence that can be used to optimize your business model for maximum effectiveness. This will in turn make your company stand out from the competition and the added advantage of insights gained from social media data will help you to take over your competitors.

Source: https://www.promptcloud.com/blog/social-media-scraping-for-competitive-intelligence

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

How Web Data Extraction Services Will Save Your Time and Money by Automatic Data Collection

How Web Data Extraction Services Will Save Your Time and Money by Automatic Data Collection

Data scrape is the process of extracting data from web by using software program from proven website only. Extracted data any one can use for any purposes as per the desires in various industries as the web having every important data of the world. We provide best of the web data extracting software. We have the expertise and one of kind knowledge in web data extraction, image scrapping, screen scrapping, email extract services, data mining, web grabbing.

Who can use Data Scraping Services?

Data scraping and extraction services can be used by any organization, company, or any firm who would like to have a data from particular industry, data of targeted customer, particular company, or anything which is available on net like data of email id, website name, search term or anything which is available on web. Most of time a marketing company like to use data scraping and data extraction services to do marketing for a particular product in certain industry and to reach the targeted customer for example if X company like to contact a restaurant of California city, so our software can extract the data of restaurant of California city and a marketing company can use this data to market their restaurant kind of product. MLM and Network marketing company also use data extraction and data scrapping services to to find a new customer by extracting data of certain prospective customer and can contact customer by telephone, sending a postcard, email marketing, and this way they build their huge network and build large group for their own product and company.

We helped many companies to find particular data as per their need for example.

Web Data Extraction

Web pages are built using text-based mark-up languages (HTML and XHTML), and frequently contain a wealth of useful data in text form. However, most web pages are designed for human end-users and not for ease of automated use. Because of this, tool kits that scrape web content were created. A web scraper is an API to extract data from a web site. We help you to create a kind of API which helps you to scrape data as per your need. We provide quality and affordable web Data Extraction application

Data Collection

Normally, data transfer between programs is accomplished using info structures suited for automated processing by computers, not people. Such interchange formats and protocols are typically rigidly structured, well-documented, easily parsed, and keep ambiguity to a minimum. Very often, these transmissions are not human-readable at all. That's why the key element that distinguishes data scraping from regular parsing is that the output being scraped was intended for display to an end-user.

Email Extractor

A tool which helps you to extract the email ids from any reliable sources automatically that is called a email extractor. It basically services the function of collecting business contacts from various web pages, HTML files, text files or any other format without duplicates email ids.

Screen scrapping

Screen scraping referred to the practice of reading text information from a computer display terminal's screen and collecting visual data from a source, instead of parsing data as in web scraping.

Data Mining Services

Data Mining Services is the process of extracting patterns from information. Datamining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform the data into information. Any format including MS excels, CSV, HTML and many such formats according to your requirements.

Web spider

A Web spider is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an orderly fashion. Many sites, in particular search engines, use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data.

Web Grabber

Web grabber is just a other name of the data scraping or data extraction.

Web Bot

Web Bot is software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the Internet. Web bot software is the best program to pull out articles, blog, relevant website content and many such website related data We have worked with many clients for data extracting, data scrapping and data mining they are really happy with our services we provide very quality services and make your work data work very easy and automatic.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Web-Data-Extraction-Services-Will-Save-Your-Time-and-Money-by-Automatic-Data-Collection&id=5159023

Monday, 8 August 2016

How to Scrape a Website into Excel without programming

How to Scrape a Website into Excel without programming

This web scraping tutorial will teach you visually step by step how to scrape or extract or pull data from websites using import.io(Free Tool) without programming skills into Excel.

Personally, I use web scraping for analysing my competitors’ best-performing blog posts or content such as what blog posts or content received most comments or social media shares.

In this tutorial,We will scrape the following data from a blog:

    All blog posts URLs.
    Authors names for each post.
    Blog posts titles.
    The number of social media shares each post received.

Then we will use the extracted data to determine what are the popular blog posts and their authors,which posts received much engagement from users through social media shares and on page comments.

Let’s get started.

Step 1:Install import.io app

The first step is to install import.io app.A free web scraping tool and one of the best web scraping software.It is available for Windows,Mac and Linux platforms.Import.io offers advanced data extraction features without coding by allowing you to create custom APIs or crawl entire websites.

After installation, you will need to sign up for an account.It is completely free so don’t worry.I will not cover the installation process.Once everything is set correctly you will see something similar to the window below after your first login.

Step 2:Choose how to scrape data using import.io extractor

With import.io you can do data extraction by creating custom APIs or crawling the entire websites.It comes equipped with different tools for data extraction such as magic,extractor,crawler and connector.

In this tutorial,I will use a tool called “extractor” to create a custom API for our data extraction process.

To get started click the “new” red button on the right top of the page and then click “Start Extractor” button on the pop-up window.

After clicking  “Start Extractor” the Import.io app internal browser window will open as shown below.

Step 3:Data scraping process

Now after the import.io browser is open navigate to the blog URL you want to scrape data from. Then once you already navigated to the target blog URL turn on extraction.In this tutorial,I will use this blog URL bongo5.com  for data extraction.

You can see from the window below I already navigated to www.bongo5.com but extraction switch is still off.

Turn extraction switch “ON” as shown in the window below and move to the next step.

Step 4:Training the “columns” or specifying the data we want to scrape

In this step,I will specify exactly what kind of data I want to scrape from the blog.On import.io app specifying the data you want to scrape is referred to as “training the columns”.Columns represent the data set I want to scrape(post titles,authors’ names and posts URLs).

In order to understand this step, you need to know the difference between a blog page and a blog post.A page might have a single post or multiple posts depending on the blog configuration.

A blog might have several blog posts,even hundreds or thousands of posts.But I will take only one session to train the “extractor” about the data I want to extract.I will do so by using an import.io visual highlighter.Once the data extraction is turned on the-the highlighter will appear by default.

I will do the training session for a single post in a single blog page with multiple posts then the extractor will extract data automatically for the remaining posts on the “same” blog page.
Step 4a:Creating “post_title” column

I will start by renaming “my_column” into the name of the data I want to scrape.Our goal in this tutorial is to scrape the blog posts titles,posts URLs,authors names and get social statistics later so I will create columns for posts titles,posts URLs,authors names.Later on, I will teach you how to get social statistics for the post URLs.

After editing “my_column” into “post_title” then point the mouse cursor over to any of the Posts title on the same blog page and the visual highlighter will automatically appear.Using the highlighter I can select the data I want to extract.

You can see below I selected one of the blog post titles on the page.The rectangular box with orange border is the visual highlighter.

The app will ask you how is the data arranged on the page.Since I have more than one post in a single page then you have rows of repeating data.This blog is having 25 posts per page.So you will select “many rows”.Sometimes you might have a single post on a page for that case you need to select “Just one row”.

Source: http://nocodewebscraping.com/web-scraping-for-dummies-tutorial-with-import-io-without-coding/

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Three Common Methods For Web Data Extraction

Three Common Methods For Web Data Extraction

Probably the most common technique used traditionally to extract data from web pages this is to cook up some regular expressions that match the pieces you want (e.g., URL's and link titles). Our screen-scraper software actually started out as an application written in Perl for this very reason. In addition to regular expressions, you might also use some code written in something like Java or Active Server Pages to parse out larger chunks of text. Using raw regular expressions to pull out the data can be a little intimidating to the uninitiated, and can get a bit messy when a script contains a lot of them. At the same time, if you're already familiar with regular expressions, and your scraping project is relatively small, they can be a great solution.

Other techniques for getting the data out can get very sophisticated as algorithms that make use of artificial intelligence and such are applied to the page. Some programs will actually analyze the semantic content of an HTML page, then intelligently pull out the pieces that are of interest. Still other approaches deal with developing "ontologies", or hierarchical vocabularies intended to represent the content domain.

There are a number of companies (including our own) that offer commercial applications specifically intended to do screen-scraping. The applications vary quite a bit, but for medium to large-sized projects they're often a good solution. Each one will have its own learning curve, so you should plan on taking time to learn the ins and outs of a new application. Especially if you plan on doing a fair amount of screen-scraping it's probably a good idea to at least shop around for a screen-scraping application, as it will likely save you time and money in the long run.

So what's the best approach to data extraction? It really depends on what your needs are, and what resources you have at your disposal. Here are some of the pros and cons of the various approaches, as well as suggestions on when you might use each one:

Raw regular expressions and code


- If you're already familiar with regular expressions and at least one programming language, this can be a quick solution.

- Regular expressions allow for a fair amount of "fuzziness" in the matching such that minor changes to the content won't break them.

- You likely don't need to learn any new languages or tools (again, assuming you're already familiar with regular expressions and a programming language).

- Regular expressions are supported in almost all modern programming languages. Heck, even VBScript has a regular expression engine. It's also nice because the various regular expression implementations don't vary too significantly in their syntax.


- They can be complex for those that don't have a lot of experience with them. Learning regular expressions isn't like going from Perl to Java. It's more like going from Perl to XSLT, where you have to wrap your mind around a completely different way of viewing the problem.

- They're often confusing to analyze. Take a look through some of the regular expressions people have created to match something as simple as an email address and you'll see what I mean.

- If the content you're trying to match changes (e.g., they change the web page by adding a new "font" tag) you'll likely need to update your regular expressions to account for the change.

- The data discovery portion of the process (traversing various web pages to get to the page containing the data you want) will still need to be handled, and can get fairly complex if you need to deal with cookies and such.

When to use this approach: You'll most likely use straight regular expressions in screen-scraping when you have a small job you want to get done quickly. Especially if you already know regular expressions, there's no sense in getting into other tools if all you need to do is pull some news headlines off of a site.

Ontologies and artificial intelligence


- You create it once and it can more or less extract the data from any page within the content domain you're targeting.

- The data model is generally built in. For example, if you're extracting data about cars from web sites the extraction engine already knows what the make, model, and price are, so it can easily map them to existing data structures (e.g., insert the data into the correct locations in your database).

- There is relatively little long-term maintenance required. As web sites change you likely will need to do very little to your extraction engine in order to account for the changes.


- It's relatively complex to create and work with such an engine. The level of expertise required to even understand an extraction engine that uses artificial intelligence and ontologies is much higher than what is required to deal with regular expressions.

- These types of engines are expensive to build. There are commercial offerings that will give you the basis for doing this type of data extraction, but you still need to configure them to work with the specific content domain you're targeting.

- You still have to deal with the data discovery portion of the process, which may not fit as well with this approach (meaning you may have to create an entirely separate engine to handle data discovery). Data discovery is the process of crawling web sites such that you arrive at the pages where you want to extract data.

When to use this approach: Typically you'll only get into ontologies and artificial intelligence when you're planning on extracting information from a very large number of sources. It also makes sense to do this when the data you're trying to extract is in a very unstructured format (e.g., newspaper classified ads). In cases where the data is very structured (meaning there are clear labels identifying the various data fields), it may make more sense to go with regular expressions or a screen-scraping application.

Screen-scraping software


- Abstracts most of the complicated stuff away. You can do some pretty sophisticated things in most screen-scraping applications without knowing anything about regular expressions, HTTP, or cookies.

- Dramatically reduces the amount of time required to set up a site to be scraped. Once you learn a particular screen-scraping application the amount of time it requires to scrape sites vs. other methods is significantly lowered.

- Support from a commercial company. If you run into trouble while using a commercial screen-scraping application, chances are there are support forums and help lines where you can get assistance.


- The learning curve. Each screen-scraping application has its own way of going about things. This may imply learning a new scripting language in addition to familiarizing yourself with how the core application works.

- A potential cost. Most ready-to-go screen-scraping applications are commercial, so you'll likely be paying in dollars as well as time for this solution.

- A proprietary approach. Any time you use a proprietary application to solve a computing problem (and proprietary is obviously a matter of degree) you're locking yourself into using that approach. This may or may not be a big deal, but you should at least consider how well the application you're using will integrate with other software applications you currently have. For example, once the screen-scraping application has extracted the data how easy is it for you to get to that data from your own code?

When to use this approach: Screen-scraping applications vary widely in their ease-of-use, price, and suitability to tackle a broad range of scenarios. Chances are, though, that if you don't mind paying a bit, you can save yourself a significant amount of time by using one. If you're doing a quick scrape of a single page you can use just about any language with regular expressions. If you want to extract data from hundreds of web sites that are all formatted differently you're probably better off investing in a complex system that uses ontologies and/or artificial intelligence. For just about everything else, though, you may want to consider investing in an application specifically designed for screen-scraping.

As an aside, I thought I should also mention a recent project we've been involved with that has actually required a hybrid approach of two of the aforementioned methods. We're currently working on a project that deals with extracting newspaper classified ads. The data in classifieds is about as unstructured as you can get. For example, in a real estate ad the term "number of bedrooms" can be written about 25 different ways. The data extraction portion of the process is one that lends itself well to an ontologies-based approach, which is what we've done. However, we still had to handle the data discovery portion. We decided to use screen-scraper for that, and it's handling it just great. The basic process is that screen-scraper traverses the various pages of the site, pulling out raw chunks of data that constitute the classified ads. These ads then get passed to code we've written that uses ontologies in order to extract out the individual pieces we're after. Once the data has been extracted we then insert it into a database.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Three-Common-Methods-For-Web-Data-Extraction&id=165416

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Tips for scraping business directories

Tips for scraping business directories

Are you looking to scrape business directories to generate leads?

Here are a few tips for scraping business directories.

Web scraping is not rocket science. But there are good and bad and worst ways of doing it.

Generating sales qualified leads is always a headache. The old school ways are to buy a list from sites like Data.com. But they are quite expensive.

Scraping business directories can help generate sales qualified leads. The following tips can help you scrape data from business directories efficiently.

1) Choose a good framework to write the web scrapers. This can help save a lot of time and trouble. Python Scrapy is our favourite, but there are other non-pythonic frameworks too.

2) The business directories might be having anti-scraping mechanisms. You have to use IP rotating services to do the scrape. Using IP rotating services, crawl with multiple changing IP addresses which can cover your tracks.

3) Some sites really don’t want you to scrape and they will block the bot. In these cases, you may need to disguise your web scraper as a human being. Browser automation tools like selenium can help you do this.

4) Web sites will update their data quite often. The scraper bot should be able to update the data according to the changes. This is a hard task and you need professional services to do that.

One of the easiest ways to generate leads is to scrape from business directories and use enrich them. We made Leadintel for lead research and enrichment.

Source: http://blog.datahut.co/tips-for-scraping-business-directories/

Monday, 11 July 2016

4 Web Scraping Tools To Save You Time On Data Extraction

Either you are working on a product website, struggling to add live data feed to your app or merely need to pull out a huge amount of online data for analysis, an accurate web scraping tool can save you loads of time and keep you sane. Here are four powerful web scraping tools to save you from copy-pasting or spending time on writing your own scripts.

Uipath  specializes in developing various process automation software including web scraping and screen scraping software for desktop and web. Uipath web scraper is perfect for non-coders and easily surpasses most common data extraction challenges including page navigation, digging through flash and even scraping PDF files. All you need to do is open the web scraping wizard and simply highlight the data you need to extract. The tool will scrape all the data following this pattern at all pages you’ve chosen and sort it accordingly. You can add as many items for scraping as you like and have them sorted in respective columns. As a result, you receive a neat Excel or CSV document with all the data eliminated from duplicates.

Moreover, Uipath isn’t just about scraping. This software can be used not only for extracting data, but to manipulate the interface of another app, thus establishing data transfers among the two of them. Basically, this tool could be used to conduct any repetitive task a human could do, yet much faster and with higher accuracy.

Pros: You can automate form filling, clicking buttons, navigation etc. Uipath scraper is impressively accurate, fast and simple to use. It “reads” all types of data on screen (JS, HTML, Silverlight and more), plus you can train the software to emulate human actions of various complexity.

Cons: Premium software runs at a premium price. Uipath is an affordable professional solution, but may be a bit too pricey for personal use.

 Import.io  offers you a free desktop app to help you scrap all the data you need from an unlimited amount of web pages. The service treats each page as a potential data source to generate API from. If the page you’ve submitted has been previously processed, you can access its API and get some of the data. In other case, Import.io will guide you through the process of creating the scraping matrix by building connectors (for navigation) or extractors (to pull out the needed data). Afterwards, you submit a request for extraction and it’s typically processed within 24 hours. All the data is private and you can schedule auto refreshments at any chosen period of time.

Pros: The service is easy-to-use with no tech skills needed. It can  pages with data (those that needed login/pass), plus it’s free. Minimalistic effective design and simple navigation comes along.

Cons: Improt.io has hard times navigating through combinations of javascript/POST and cannot navigate from one page to another (e.g. click next, second page etc).  Sometimes, it takes over 24 hours to receive the report.  Besides, it’s a browser-only app, non-compatible with other applications.

Kimono is a popular web scraper among app developers who prefer to power up their products with live data and no additional code. It saves you tons of time when you need to fill up your app with mashing data. Install Kimono Browser bookmarklet; highlight page elements you need to and provide some positive/negative examples to train the tool. After labeling all the data you can download it in CSV/JSON/a web endpoint format. The APIs created for your pages are stored in the cloud and you can run them on schedule. So far, Kimono is free to use with pro and enterprise solutions to be launched soon.

Pros: The tool works pretty fast and works great with scraping newsfeeds and prices. The data is rather accurate.

Cons: No page navigation available and you need to spend quite a lot of time to train Kimono before it starts to pull out the multi items data accurate enough. In general, I’d say Kimono is more of an app mash-ups creator than a full-scale web scraper.

 Screen Scraper  is pretty neat and tackles a lot of difficult tasks including navigation and precise data extractions, however it requires a bit of programming/tokenization skills if you’d like to run it super smooth. Launch the software, add a proxy, start recording the list of your actions and creating extracting patterns (some coding required). Works great with HTML and Javascript, however you should test it with Citrix and other platforms. Basically, screen scraper helps you writing simple web scraping scripts and lets you download the extracted data in txt/csv/excel format.

Pros: When set correctly, there’s no data extraction tasks Screen scraper fails to handle.
Cons: The tool is pricey and you’ll have to go through documentation and have basic coding skills to use it.

Source URL :  http://tech.co/4-web-scraping-tools-save-time-data-extraction-2015-03

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Scraping the Royal Society membership list

To a data scientist any data is fair game, from my interest in the history of science I came across the membership records of the Royal Society from 1660 to 2007 which are available as a single PDF file. I’ve scraped the membership list before: the first time around I wrote a C# application which parsed a plain text file which I had made from the original PDF using an online converting service, looking back at the code it is fiendishly complicated and cluttered by boilerplate code required to build a GUI. ScraperWiki includes a pdftoxml function so I thought I’d see if this would make the process of parsing easier, and compare the ScraperWiki experience more widely with my earlier scraper.

The membership list is laid out quite simply, as shown in the image below, each member (or Fellow) record spans two lines with the member name in the left most column on the first line and information on their birth date and the day they died, the class of their Fellowship and their election date on the second line.

Later in the document we find that information on the Presidents of the Royal Society is found on the same line as the Fellow name and that Royal Patrons are formatted a little differently. There are also alias records where the second line points to the primary record for the name on the first line.

pdftoxml converts a PDF into an xml file, wherein each piece of text is located on the page using spatial coordinates, an individual line looks like this:

<text top="243" left="135" width="221" height="14" font="2">Abbot, Charles, 1st Baron Colchester </text>

This makes parsing columnar data straightforward you simply need to select elements with particular values of the “left” attribute. It turns out that the columns are not in exactly the same positions throughout the whole document, which appears to have been constructed by tacking together the membership list A-J with that of K-Z, but this can easily be resolved by accepting a small range of positions for each column.

Attempting to automatically parse all 395 pages of the document reveals some transcription errors: one Fellow was apparently elected on 16th March 197 – a bit of Googling reveals that the real date is 16th March 1978. Another fellow is classed as a “Felllow”, and whilst most of the dates of birth and death are separated by a dash some are separated by an en dash which as far as the code is concerned is something completely different and so on. In my earlier iteration I missed some of these quirks or fixed them by editing the converted text file. These variations suggest that the source document was typed manually rather than being output from a pre-existing database. Since I couldn’t edit the source document I was obliged to code around these quirks.

ScraperWiki helpfully makes putting data into a SQLite database the simplest option for a scraper. My handling of dates in this version of the scraper is a little unsatisfactory: presidential terms are described in terms of a start and end year but are rendered 1st January of those years in the database. Furthermore, in historical documents dates may not be known accurately so someone may have a birth date described as “circa 1782? or “c 1782?, even more vaguely they may be described as having “flourished 1663-1778? or “fl. 1663-1778?. Python’s default datetime module does not capture this subtlety and if it did the database used to store dates would need to support it too to be useful – I’ve addressed this by storing the original life span data as text so that it can be analysed should the need arise. Storing dates as proper dates in the database, rather than text strings means we can query the database using date based queries.

ScraperWiki provides an API to my dataset so that I can query it using SQL, and since it is public anyone else can do this too. So, for example, it’s easy to write queries that tell you the the database contains 8019 Fellows, 56 Presidents, 387 born before 1700, 3657 with no birth date, 2360 with no death date, 204 “flourished”, 450 have birth dates “circa” some year.

I can count the number of classes of fellows:

select distinct class,count(*) from `RoyalSocietyFellows` group by class

Make a table of all of the Presidents of the Royal Society

select * from `RoyalSocietyFellows` where StartPresident not null order by StartPresident desc

…and so on. These illustrations just use the ScraperWiki htmltable export option to display the data as a table but equally I could use similar queries to pull data into a visualisation.

Comparing this to my earlier experience, the benefits of using ScraperWiki are:

•    Nice traceable code to provide a provenance for the dataset;

•    Access to the pdftoxml library;

•    Strong encouragement to “do the right thing” and put the data into a database;

•    Publication of the data;

•    A simple API giving access to the data for reuse by all.

My next target for ScraperWiki may well be the membership lists for the French Academie des Sciences, a task which proved too complex for a simple plain text scraper…

Sources URL :                             http://yellowpagesdatascraping.blogspot.in/2015/06/scraping-royal-society-membership-list.html

Friday, 1 July 2016

An Easy Way For Data Extraction

There are so many data scraping tools are available in internet. With these tools you can you download large amount of data without any stress. From the past decade, the internet revolution has made the entire world as an information center. You can obtain any type of information from the internet. However, if you want any particular information on one task, you need search more websites. If you are interested in download all the information from the websites, you need to copy the information and pate in your documents. It seems a little bit hectic work for everyone. With these scraping tools, you can save your time, money and it reduces manual work.

The Web data extraction tool will extract the data from the HTML pages of the different websites and compares the data. Every day, there are so many websites are hosting in internet. It is not possible to see all the websites in a single day. With these data mining tool, you are able to view all the web pages in internet. If you are using a wide range of applications, these scraping tools are very much useful to you.

The data extraction software tool is used to compare the structured data in internet. There are so many search engines in internet will help you to find a website on a particular issue. The data in different sites is appears in different styles. This scraping expert will help you to compare the date in different site and structures the data for records.

And the web crawler software tool is used to index the web pages in the internet; it will move the data from internet to your hard disk. With this work, you can browse the internet much faster when connected. And the important use of this tool is if you are trying to download the data from internet in off peak hours. It will take a lot of time to download. However, with this tool you can download any data from internet at fast rate.There is another tool for business person is called email extractor. With this toll, you can easily target the customers email addresses. You can send advertisement for your product to the targeted customers at any time. This the best tool to find the database of the customers.

 Source  URL : http://ezinearticles.com/?An-Easy-Way-For-Data-Extraction&id=3517104